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ცემენტის საწარმო

ყაზბეგი ალექსანდრეს გამზ. 21, საბურთალო, თბილისი

HeidelbergCement is one of the world’s largest building materials companies. With the takeover of the Italian cement producer Italcementi, HeidelbergCement became the number 1 in aggregates production, number 2 in cement, and number 3 in ready-mixed concrete. In the significantly expanded HeidelbergCement Group, around 60,000 employees work at more than 3,000 production sites in around 60 countries on five continents.HeidelbergCement is a leading brand on Georgian cement market. The company supplies cement and concrete to almost every major construction project in Georgia. Moreover, HeidelbergCement is the only clinker producer in Georgia.Up to date, HeidelbergCement AG has made more than 200 million Euro investments in Georgia that were mainly oriented on existing cement plants modernization and expansion in the concrete and aggregates business lines.